During the summer of 2020, I chose to sharpen my programming skills, and take the dive into front end development.  At this time, I,
along-side many prominent learners, seized the opportunity to take part in the Hack Your Own Summmer Internship program.
    The HYO program consisted of a 4 part itinerary covering all aspects of basic front end devlopment.  It drew from other large programs such as the Odin Project, and
freeCodeCamp, molding all available resources into one plan more comprehensive than the parts.  As we learners worked through each week's material, we had constant
access to a number of experienced mentors to bounce ideas off of, and better cement ideas for the routine projects we were working on.
    From this experience, I got my first look as to what it would be like to work as part of a team in a development environment. 
The need for communication and punctuality were made apparent as part of this.  I also learned the importance of networking, and keeping in touch with those that may help propel your future success. 
To this end, I created a linkedin profile and have still been able to follow the progress of the many bright individuals I worked with.
    In hard skills, I learned the basics of HTML, CSS, the concept of programming stacks, and a little JavaScript.